Holbox Guide 4.0
Discover Mexico's Best Kept Secret...TheAmazing Holbox Island. This Travel app contains information thatwill make your next visit to Holbox Island an unforgettableexperience.This means that we only recommend, certified tour guides withproofchecked tours and activities that include: Swimming with theWhaleshark, Kiteboarding, Sports Fishing, Bottom Fishing, Kayaking,Saling, Birdwatching, River Running, and the Classical HolboxIsland Boat Tour which will take you to the breathtaking Beautiesof Holbox Island.You will also find our list of restaurants andplaces to eat which offer the Best Customer Experience in which weassure you that our tips will make your stay at Holbox Island theOutmost Marvelous Experience for a Vacation throughout the RivieraMaya and the Mexican Caribbean.
FICG 1.0
Aplicación oficial del FestivalInternacionalde Cine en Guadalajara. Enterate de los más relevanteminuto aminuto del acontecer cinematográfico durante la realizacióndelFestival de Cine más Importante de America Latina.Todas las Pantallas son Nuestras - FICGFormal implementationofthe International Film Festival in Guadalajara. Get themostrelevant every minute of cinematic events during the FestivalofCinema of Latin America's Important.All Our Screens are - FICG
DocuLab 9 3.0
DocuLab Guadalajara es un espacio deestudioentre los jóvenes emergentes de la producción audiovisualyexpertos cineastas con trayectoria internacional en unlaboratoriode análisis, exploración, y práctica de la narrativa dellenguajeaudiovisual documental (Laboratorio de autopsia de undocumentallatente en proceso de post-producción).La finalidad de DocuLab Guadalajara es el de ofrecer a losjóvenesemergentes el escenario adecuado para presentar undocumental enproceso de post-producción (de un primer hasta unúltimo corte sinque sea el corte definitivo) ante un grupo deexpertos cineastas,este funge como material de estudio, reciben laasesoría y análisisde los mismos y colegas seleccionados con lafinalidad de que estaexperiencia les sirva de incentivo paraconcluir sus películas. Ellaboratorio de desarrollo del documentalse complementa poractividades tales como; Clases magistrales, mesasde diálogo,mini-talleres y proyecciones especiales.DocuLab Guadalajara dispone 31 candidaturas para jóvenescreadoresaudiovisuales de la zona Iberoamérica (Directores,editores,directores de fotografía y productores) los cualesparticipan bajodos modalidades en el laboratorio:Cineastas a disección (directores) quienes participan conundocumental en proceso de post-producción.Oyentes – testigos (directores, editores productores y directoresdefotografía) quienes participan sin presentar un documentalenproceso de post-producción.DocuLab Guadalajara isanarea of ​​study among young emerging audiovisual andexpertfilmmakers production with international experience inalaboratory, exploration and practice of narrativedocumentaryaudiovisual language (Laboratory autopsy of adocumentary latent inpost -production).The purpose of DocuLab Guadalajara is to offer young emergingtheright stage to present a documentary in post-production (fromafirst to a last cut without being the final cut) to a groupofexpert filmmakers, this serves as study material, theyreceiveadvice and analysis of them and selected in order thatthisexperience will serve them as an incentive to complete theirfilmscolleagues. The development laboratory documentary iscomplementedby activities such as; Lectures, round-tablediscussions,mini-workshops and special screenings.DocuLab Guadalajara has 31 nominations for youngaudiovisualcreators of the Latin America region (directors,editors,cinematographers and producers) which participate in twoways inthe laboratory:Filmmakers dissection (directors) who are involved withadocumentary in post-production.Listeners - witnesses (directors, editors, producersandcinematographers) who participate without presenting adocumentaryin post-production.
Holbox Eats
Find and order your favorite food at Holbox Island